Trinity- 1st Week

Week 1 of Trinity term begins today; many sleepless nights await me.

The weather this last week has been nearly perfect. 70 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer every day for the last four or five days means that I am very happy, but it also means that I have a strong case of spring fever. There are still twelve papers that need to be written, sadly, and all I want to do is be outside.

A beautiful day at Mansfield.
Eating dinner outside with Matt. Clean plate club. Yum!
My first smile in months.

Tennis is beginning to get serious about now, too. During Trinity term the individual Oxford colleges play weekly matches against each other. On top of my university team duties, I am now also playing for Mansfield. There is also a university-wide tennis tournament for those on the university teams, and my first round for that is on Wednesday. All of this preparation is leading up to our varsity match against Cambridge in June.

During my free-time these last few days I have gone on a few long walks in University Parks. It is stunningly beautiful while in bloom.

There are only eight more weeks left at Oxford, and then I will be going home. I will not get emotional just yet because there is simply too much work to be done.


Easter in Dublin

I spent Easter weekend in Dublin with my friends who are studying at Trinity College. I visited the Old Library, and it was magnificent. Sadly, the Book of Kells was not on display at the time.

A beautiful sunset at Trinity.

Entering the Old Library.

This week I am beginning to prepare for my tutorials for Trinity term. For my primary, I need to read a true classic: Plato’s Republic. My secondary is Ethics, and I am still waiting for my complete reading list. I should be a true philosopher king at the conclusion of this term.
